Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mama Owie?

So, two days ago Logan and I were playing with a couple of his stuffed dinosaurs. After a few minutes, he was sick of what we were doing and decided to throw the dinosaur at my head instead. When it hit me, I said "Ow! Logan, you hurt mommy." Then, Logan began to try and climb up into my lap. I helped him up, wondering what he was wanting, when he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. Then he said "Mama owie?" It was one of the cutest things, and I was amazed that this same child who was beating up bunnies a few days before could turn around and have so much compassion. So, it goes to show that despite his tantrums and whining, he still has a lot of love for me. Thank goodness! I was beginning to wonder...

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

I love when my kids come up and cuddle. Phoenix is more of a cuddler then Jersey but it's so sweet when they try to comfort you.

Logan Turns Two!