Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I am woman, hear me scream...

I am surrounded by men... or should I say boys. Spencer, Logan, our golden retriever Koda, and even my dear cat Sadie, who currently has a complex because his name is feminine. Poor Sadie. I have been married for 5 1/2 years and have had Logan for almost two. He is our pride and joy, and without him life would be dull... or perhaps a better description is calm, quiet, and filled with mornings of sleep and relaxation. Instead it is filled with sloppy kisses, messy faces, and much more excitement and love than I ever thought possible.

1 comment:

Jann said...

I hear you scream! I hear it in my sleep sometimes. I'm so happy you joined me in blogdom and it was so fun to use setting it up as an excuse to hang out.

Logan Turns Two!